The Biggest Mistake of a Beginner in Online Business!
What is “The biggest mistake of a beginner in online business”? Why do so many beginners fail in their online business, and others succeed?
Many beginners make many mistakes. The most important thing is that the beginner does not focus on what he is doing.
To avoid doing this, he must quietly work in a private environment and turn off his mobile phone, TV, radio, talk to anyone, and any other noise source.
He will only have the highest efficiency in learning and applying this way.
From my experience, out of 1000 beginner people, only approx. 5 people apply the first steps correctly. They , learn quickly, focus, and use. All this is under the guidance of a mentor with whom he communicates. They know that only in this way can they advance much faster and achieve the desired results. In a few weeks, they manage to build their own online business and get their first money. Then along the way, they grow to earn even more money.
In this way, they avoided “The biggest mistake of a beginner in online business!”
The others, 995 people, are waiting. They do not want to take any beginner course, hoping to learn free from the internet. Yes, they can get these things free from the internet, but these are broken fragments of a whole, do not know the correct steps or application process, and will not get the desired results, so they have zero results.
After 1 or 2 years, only approx. 20 people will realize that they must follow the proper steps and learn from someone with experience. So they will win, but they lost 2 years of online business life. Others return after 3-5 years and then desire to work that no one stops them. Why? Because they learned a lot from the internet, they found that they did not know the correct order of the applications, and they could not complete the implementation process, and the result was zero.
They wasted precious time, but in the end, they discovered “The biggest mistake of a beginner in online business!”
Of the 975 people, only a few will continue in 3 or 5 years. The rest of the people, about 55%, will give up, saying that it is impossible to earn something online. And yet, it is curious to see and hear that some people make money from the internet, and some even make a lot of money.
From my observations, many people have signed up on my site enthusiastically over the years. They want to learn and do their best to get good results.
Initially, they follow all my emails with information, tips, and tricks. They click on the link inside, read, and get information at the place where they are directed. Then, gradually, their enthusiasm subsides, and they do not take any steps to learn. They do not want to know any course, even if it costs $7 or $10. They don’t open every email anymore, only at 5-10%, if they open those too. Then less and less. Why? Maybe they want to get everything for free, but many emails contain a lot of free information and tips, but they do not open them. Some do not apply lessons even if it is free. What nonsense. Why? Does fear or laziness probably stop them?
Then, maybe someone else would work in their place if they could. Yes, it is possible, and they would find out if they would open all the emails.
They are unaware that a lot of effort, time (weeks or months), and money has been put into building a course, especially video courses. They do not realize that these courses were created to help them gain valuable time and not be frustrated, and only in this way do they reach the desired results faster. Few people are aware of all this and move on. They get fast results, and they enjoy their earnings much more quickly.
Others, who got lost along the way, realize all these benefits after months or years. They come back, and with much effort, they want to make up for a lost time to get good results.
The others, about half, give up, unsubscribe, or I unsubscribe them for inactivity.
Another mistake of beginners is that they are in a hurry. Because of this, they do not focus. They want to get results very quickly. Yes, this is very good; we all want this. But in creating an online business, you have to learn several things. I mean technical issues (site creation, WordPress platform management, installation of operating and site protection programs), content issues (composing articles, images, and videos), advertising, and traffic issues.
To learn all this, many beginners do not read emails or are in a hurry. They only read the title or a few lines at the beginning and do not open the links in the email; through this, they do not inform themselves correctly; they do everything superficially, and in the end, the result is zero.
That’s why I emphasize a lot of patience and concentration. Without this, nothing can be achieved.
Many do not realize how much time they waste (many hours or days) sitting at their computer and looking for unnecessary things on the internet, social sites, or games. All the while, they could have worked for themselves, their families, and their businesses to make their lives happier.
He also does not realize how much money they lose by often buying unnecessary things, which he then throws away or gives as a gift to others. Or they pay a lot of money for entertainment instead of trying to spend less. Instead, they don’t want to invest anything in themselves and their business.
Another big mistake many beginners make is that they don’t readily accept any offer.
If you offer them to create an online business with little money ($10 – $20), they ask themselves: “this is much too cheap. This is definitely, a trick.”
Again, if you offer them too expensive ($ 500 – $ 2000), they say, “this is too expensive, and I can not afford to spend so much.”
If you offer them for free, they say: “This certainly smells like a scam.”
So, no matter what money-making system you offer, beginners and not only, they take out their spikes and turn into hedgehogs.
I am not critical of this because many sites on the Internet seek to deceive people. They want to take the money, then they disappear. To avoid this, beginners and not only must they realize that they need, first, to learn to form their thinking and skills in this field. Only so they will gain experience and learn how to choose what is good and what is bad on the internet.
Many beginners make a big mistake when signing up for too many internet marketing coaches.
Each coach has a specific way of teaching lessons for beginners. Although the procedures are similar, the information is slightly different.
The inbox of beginners’ email addresses is loaded with too many emails and too much information. Because of this, many emails are not open and read.
Too much information often damages and confuses beginners.
For this, it is suitable for a beginner to research internet marketing coaches first, then decide which coach to join, and only from him to learn.
Often life is ruthless (illness or death), or they may lose their jobs and no longer can pay to live a decent life when problems arise. But then it’s too late, and it’s hard to live decently when you don’t have money.
So, they do not want to invest anything for financial freedom and a better and happier life.
There are many other mistakes of beginners, but the most important are the ones mentioned above.
But if you want to start your own business and follow the correct steps, sign up for this course, follow all the emails with information and tips, and buy it. There you will have over 300 videos that will explain everything you need to build your online business. You will also see over 100 mistakes, explaining why many fail in their business and errors that you must avoid. You can stop each video, apply it, and then come back on until you do all the operations explained there. Very easy to follow and use. You will also see many satisfied people who attended the courses and achieved what they wanted.
If you are a beginner and want to be successful, get informed and apply everything correctly. That way, you won’t have to know what ‘The biggest mistake of a beginner in online business!’
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In conclusion, who has quick results and achievements for which they can be congratulated?
The answer is straightforward: those who are serious in their work, hardworking, patient, ambitious, curious, persevering, and do not give up until they see their wish fulfilled. They are the big winners.
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